Sunday, June 9, 2013

Whistleblowers or Traitors?

Bradley Manning went on trial this past week for copying thousands of pages of classified documents and releasing them to Wikileaks after more than a year of pre-trial work by the government.  Edward Snowden picked this same week to disclose the existence of classified processes and systems that the National Security Agency have used to collect information from phones, the Internet, and any other communications system you can imagine for the government--like it or not, presumably all legal.  Liberals and many in the main stream media are describing these two individuals as Whistleblowers.  Julian Assange, the head of Wikileaks, has advocated in the case of Bradley Manning, that he is a hero.  In MyAmerica, we consider them criminals at best, or even worse, traitors.

There are some striking similarities between the two.  Both are very young, idealistic, and, although they both initially believed in the goodness of America, they both became disenfranchised when confronted with the harsh realities of governance, security, and life in a post Cold War, post 9/11 world.  Surprisingly, in our advanced technological society, they were both confronted with ideological issues dealing with the use of that technology, even though they both had a penchant for computers.  Both also began their service as enlisted Army soldiers with little formal higher education.

But here's the bottom line.  They both signed non-disclosure statements and were well aware of the consequences of revealing highly classified information to anyone without a need to know and appropriate security clearance.  For this reason, in MyAmerica they are not Whistleblowers, as the main stream media would like to portray them.  They are at best criminals who should pay a very stiff penalty for their willful disclosure of classified information.  At worst, they should be prosecuted as traitors to this country for putting the Nation in grave danger due to their personal willingness to provide the enemy an understanding into our sources and methods.  I'm here to tell ya, This is no little thing...

Edward Snowden says he admired Bradley Manning, but what he did was considerably different than Manning because he very carefully picked only certain information to disclose, whereas ole Brad just copied as much as he could and dumped it in Wikileaks lap.  Sorry, not buying the BS.  You see, in MyAmerica, when you know you are aiding the enemy, regardless of your idealistic intent, the damage is done.  He should be deported from Hong Kong and put on trial for what he has done.  He signed the paper, he was not coerced, he was not forced, he wanted a job and he chose to do break the law.period.

Frankly, In MyAmerica, there are some things that John Q. Public just doesn't need to know.  (And really shouldn't want to know). There is also a presumption that the Government will not abuse the power inherent within those Secrets.  Unfortunately, today in MyAmerica, this Administration cannot be trusted to not abuse their power.  That aside, in context, in a post Cold War and post 9/11 world,  surveillance is a reality and if you presume you are not being watched, listened to, or monitored in some way by some one, you are quite naive.

Even after all the revelations of the past week, In MyAmerica, We still believe we need to keep our Nation safe...knowing full well there will always be tension between civil liberties, transparency, and security.  Some of us work daily in the classified world and know their are some things we disagree with, but we have taken an oath and signed our name, and understand the ramifications of disclosure of classified information.  It is an obligation we take freely and very very seriously.  It is too bad that these two young idealists did not understand the extreme nature of their actions, but will ultimately pay a large price for their actions.  But they are big boys who knew what they were doing, so we have no pity on them.

One other quick point...neither Edward Snowden nor Bradley Manning chose to discuss their complaints or their concerns with their Chain of Command.  In Edwards case, he lied to them and his girlfriend about where he was going and what he was doing.  Imagine how they feel now.  These are lone wolfs who unrealistically believe themselves to be above the law because of an immature and idealistic mindset.  The real world is not perfect my friends, but in MyAmerica, you still don't throw you country under the bus and then run away and hide in order to seek political asylum someplace you think is better.  You're not a hero, you're not a whistleblower, in MyAmerica you are a coward, a criminal, and a traitor and you should be held accountable for your actions against our great nation.

Because its MyAmerica too

Monday, May 27, 2013

American Exceptionalism

A friend of mine recently sent me a link to a You Tube video (attached) and said it would be a good source for a blog.  Apparently, she wanted to hear what I had to say about it.  Well, I've watched it a couple times now, and I figured that on Memorial Day, it would be a great time to respond.  So Angela, here is my take on the video.The most honest 3 1/2 minutes on television

In MyAmerica, we embrace American Exceptionalism and we celebrate it with passion and pride.  America is not the greatest country in the history of the world because of "diversity"...although it is certainly an element of its greatness.  America is not the greatest country in the history of mankind because it offers freedom to its citizens...although that is certainly an element of its greatness as well. So to this point in the video, I agree and disagree with the main protagonist.  But, as you can well imagine, it's at this point of the video that I take great exception to this yahoo.

You see, in MyAmerica, global statistics and rankings don't mean squat.  They really have very little to do with WHY we are the greatest country on Earth.  Certainly, a lot of people would like to make it that way, but in MyAmerica, it seems doing so belittles our greatness. It's not about HOW we rack and stack in this category or that, in this metric or that measure...leave that to those who don't believe in American Exceptionalism.  They are more concerned about why we aren't great than why we are, so they'll use the "how" argument to divide us.

 In MyAmerica, America's greatness is in her simplicity, and in her pedigree.

American Exceptionalism is really pretty simple, but certainly has never been easy.  The desire for a new life, a new way of life, a new way to live a life.  A document, the constitution, that has endured through many trials and attacks, and yet, still shines as a beacon of hope, freedom, liberty, and unity.  A flag, red, white and blue, recognizable world over, feared, revered, and respected.  Simple really, and yet, you watch the news on any given day, and there are constant attacks--even from within--this greatest of countries from those who seek to destroy, defame, and defile the way of life, the document, and the flag.  Unbelievable!

However, in MyAmerica, the greatest aspect of American Exceptionalism may just be her pedigree.  Beginning with those who sought a new way of life, who braved uncertainty and the unknown to found a country.  To the early Patriots who risked their lives for this new world.  Their unconditional passion for liberty, their sage understanding and vision while drafting the founding documents, their undying love of country over self, all led to the underpinnings of a culture of Exceptionalism.  All the way to the greatest generation--those who fought and died to preserve and protect the rule of law, humanity, and nature, to include the families who stayed at home and supported the war effort, at great sacrifice and often with great loss.  We learned much from this generation, and we owe them a debt of immeasurable gratitude.  They were ordinary Americans who did extraordinary things.

But in MyAmerica, there is more...much more to American Exceptionalism.  It's about individuals volunteering, giving their time and resources for the benefit of others. It's about faith and the belief that we are truly "one nation, under God".  It's about the intangibles of patriotism and respect, integrity and honor.  And it's about the hope that comes from living in a country with boundless opportunity. Call me a glass half full kinda Guy, but it's true.

So certainly I paint this Polly Anna picture of Normal Rockwell proportion.  We all know there are problems, differences of opinions on the substance of issues, and genuine debate on how to tackle tough complex problems.  But in the final analysis, why is it that more people than not want to come here, to America, to live? To work? To raise their families? Why isn't there a huge immigration problem in Switzerland? Or Canada? Or Mexico? Or China?  It's because, we are the most exceptional nation on earth.  It's because we stand for something and we try to back that up.  It's because in MyAmerica, we hope in a better future, have faith in a merciful God, give gratitude for Hero's before us, and give generously to those who have less.  It ain't the government people come to America for, it's for her simplicity, her pedigree, and yes, her opportunity.

I went to a Memorial Day ceremony today in Omaha and as we were walking back to our car, we found ourselves behind an Asian family speaking in their native language...almost sounded like Vietnamese.  I thought, what are these people doing at a Memorial Day ceremony for American soldiers lost in battle, honoring their memory and their sacrifice?  And it dawned on me that it is precisely because of people like them that we are an exceptional country.  It's because we are America and of the free, and home of the brave.  God Bless her.

Because its MyAmerica2

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Obama narrative, a paucity of substance

In MyAmerica, it's supposed to be about substance.  The substance of your faith, your morals, your judgment, your decision making, your word...but mostly, your character.   In Soetoro's America, it's not about the substance of your character, or any of the other more noble attributes listed above.  It's about the substance of his narrative.  Because in OBama's world, the most important thing is to make sure the narrative keeps the low-information voter in line and in his base.

A classic and current example is how, during one of the most stressful weeks in his Presidency, the narrator-in-chief lost the national narrative.  Scandal overtook the narrative and sent the cockroaches scurrying trying to find a way to limit the damage.  Unfortunately for the Administration, most "common" folk could see right through the smoke screens.  As the Scandals grew and opened a gaping chest wound in the O'Bama narrative, the uncharacteristic took place.  The Press turned on the President, (albeit temporarily until Valerie Jarrett took over and held her not-so-secret meeting with loyal journalists) and actually began to do some investigative reporting.

All of a sudden, Benghazi, the IRS, and the DoJ's disturbing covert activities against a Fox News reporter, was at the forefront, and the narrative was in danger.  So what did Barry do?  He turned to his left, went back to the barrel, and brought up the notion that closing GITMO was all of a sudden back at the top of his priority list!  Bwhahahaha...SERIOUSLY!  This is the best you could do to try and regain the narrative?  Bring up a topic that he KNOWS will never happen and is so crazy even radical leftists can only dream of it, and yet...he went there to shore up the base and change the narrative.  This in the shadow of an Islamist beheading in London (that he refused to characterize as terrorism); This in the shadow of the Boston bombings, itself a terrorist act; This in the face of the Nadal Hussien farce where he refuses to call it terrorism (workplace violence my ass), so that the bad guy is still drawing a paycheck, but the victims families are left holding the bag with no recourse.  (In what insane universe is that right!).

And yet, it may work.  How sad, how pathetic.  It makes little difference if he could actually close GITMO...because thats not what its about...its all about the narrative.  There is no way John Q. Public wants these terrorists in their backyard on US soil.  But that matters's the narrative.  The narrative is power, the narrative is what counts.  Because in Soetoro's America, it doesn't matter if you intend to do something you know you can't do, it's simply enough to provide the base with false hope by saying it.  The base is all about low information voters, which is why he is always in campaign continue the narrative and assure the base. Talk about a paucity of substance!

In MyAmerica, we must continue to impress upon our elected representatives the danger and chaos of smoke and mirror politics, and to stay true to the truth.  We must change the narrative to one of substance...substance of character, morality, and integrity.  We must show a connection to the narrative of positive growth and policies.  In MyAmerica, the power is in the substance of our actions, of our character, of our morals and our faith...and not in the prose scrolling across the TelePrompter.

Because its MyAmerica2

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ducks of a feather

In MyAmerica, I give people the benefit of the doubt that they have the mental capacity it takes to understand reasonably complex issues, have reasoned opinions, and normally recognize when "stuff" just ain't right.   They are called "normal" people.  They are good people, with good educations that try to do the right thing and live a "traditional" life with a "traditional" lifestyle.  These "normal" people are not radicals, extremists, or terrorists.  They are normal people, they are MyAmerica2 people.

Then there is a more elitist, radical group who consider themselves better then the "normal" people.  They look at normal as something foreign, something that must be improved by higher-reasoned, enlightened, progressives.  They live in academic circles, oblivious to normal life, they live in the theoretical world with little understanding of the complex dynamic of real life.  They cannot be bothered by truth, as truth is simply a concept that is endemic to the individual, not the society.  These people are narcissistic, but largely ignored after college by normal people who go out and live in MyAmerica

Unfortunately, there is a 3rd group,  a retarded class of people largely similar to the elitist radical progressive.  These people exhibit the same imaginary perception that they ARE better than everyone else, but also believe that they KNOW better than everyone else.  These parasites prey on low information, socially handicapped people, (as well as their elitist brothers) to form a collective sub-culture that seeks to impede, dismiss, and reject normal, traditional MyAmerica.  They do it slowly, methodically, and precisely.  Nibbling at the edge of normal to decay the fabric of the common.  They are deviant, soulless, narcissists that prey on the weak.

All that background to say this, In MyAmerica, we know a fake when we see it, we know a lie when we hear it, we sense a scam when we smell it, and we know when we are fed up when we feel it.  WE ARE FED UP IN MYAMERICA!  From Obamacare - the crap that keeps on smelling- to Fast and Furious, to Benghazi, the IRS, the EPA, the Dept of Injustice, and so much more ( that's just the recent groupings of slimy Chicago thug scandals in the news).  This Administration is the most corrupt, most pathetic, most demeaning, lying, conniving, scheming, calculating group of parasites this country has ever, and hopefully, will ever, know.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that the current spate of scandals and corruption of the Obama Administration are a direct result of the culture created at the top, by those in the 3rd group. In typical Chicago political fashion, replete with strong-armed tactics and calculated misinformation.  It started with voter intimidation in 2007, and continues today in ever increasing overt fashion with the IRS targeting political enemies.  The media is complicit in this pathetic charade as the familial connections between the political and journalistic have ruined the trust in a once proud institution.  Smoke and mirror narratives whose sole purpose is to create denial and deception are so commonplace it is difficult to believe even the most sublime news story.  It is worst than disgusting, it is despicable.

What we have witnessed over the past couple weeks--scandal weeks--is the tip of the iceberg I assure you.  Rotten to the core, this administration WILL pay for its haughty, holier-than-thou theocracy.  In MyAmerica, we are fed up, and we know a fake when we see it.  We have the mental capacity to understand complex issues, and are grounded enough to understand " if it looks like a duck, and flys like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, it must be a duck".

These scandals are not isolated, they show a pattern -- like ducks flying in formation -- except in this case, the head quack is leading his flock of ducks into a trap of their own making.  In MyAmerica, my prayer is that normal people have enough fortitude to impassion their elected representatives to reject the elitist hypocrites and restore MyAmerica to its traditional greatness.

Because it's MyAmica2

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rainbows and lollipops

In MyAmerica, a lot has been made lately about a United States Marine who professionally held an umbrella for the President of the United States during a press conference during a light rain.  It is certainly not the first time in history that a member of the military has been asked to do such a tremendous task, nor will it be the last.  But in MyAmerica, many see this as a breech of protocol for the use of military service members.  GET A LIFE...

Yes, there should have been a bazillion fawning staffers willing to hold the exulted one's umbrella, and some have even indicated that he may not know how to use one (c'mon, he plays golf, we all know how to use one), but this egregious order for support in the wake of Benghazi, and countless other misuses of the military, struck a chord.  The sight of that staunchly pressed Marine, braced with one hand holding the umbrella, the other perfectly square to the ground across his mid-section, expressionless and yet fiercely professional...made you want to scream SEMPER FI!!!! He's a Marine you idiot, not your personal servant!  Yeah, get over it...he was doing what needed to be done when asked.

Because in MyAmerica, that's what we do...sometimes for people we may or may not like because of a political affiliation or position, we get stuck doing something that may seem trivial or it.  That Marine was there to support AND defend the President, and he did his job.  Deliberately, professionally, and with honor.  And shouldn't that be the story?  Shouldn't the story be about our Military members doing what they do when called upon...whether in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Horn of Africa, or yes, Washington DC.?  The profession of arms is not just about war, it's about doing what's needed, when it's needed.

Because this is MyAmerica2, I thank the Marine for doing his duty.  I thank him for looking and acting so professional.  I am proud of his demeanor and his Service to our country.  Because in MyAmerica, that's what we do.  It isn't always rainbows and lollipops...sometimes it's rain and an umbrella.  But we get it done...

Because its MyAmerica2.

Why blog and why now?

I'm starting this blog, called MyAmerica2, because I have a lot to say about a lot of things.  As a Chief Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force, we used to joke that "if you want an opinion, go ask the Chief, 'cause they have an opinion about everything".  This is not going to be only about Politics, although I will certainly discuss politics.  It is not about social issues, although I will certainly comment on those as well.  It is not only about sports, or religion, or recipes, or patriotism, or anything else, because it is about all of is about my view(s) of America.

It is about "my America" and the fact that, in this politically charged, politically correct world, I have an opinion too.  So My America counts as much as anybody else.  that is a concept I think is lost in our society today.  That even though we may disagree, that doesn't mean I'm any more or less "right" because of my opinion or convictions.  I can even accept that although we disagree, I may in fact still like you :-).  MyAmerica2 is what I think about, and why I think it.  There are many lessons I have learned over the years, and I have changed my thoughts and opinions because of that experience.  So I think that I'm at the point where I have at least a solid baseline in which to express those opinions, and maybe help someone along the way.  Thomas Edison once said "Don't be a person of success, rather, be a person of value".

So I invite you to come along with me on this journey as I reflect on stuff, think about stuff, and even debate myself on other stuff.  I hope you'll chime in and challenge me at times...although I win cause it's my blog.  Many of you know I am radically patriotic, doggedly conservative, and passionately passionate about a lot of things...but I still might surprise you every now and again.

Because it's MyAmerica2...